Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun Essay -- essays research pap
I truly appreciated the film A Raisin in the Sun. It follows a dark family's battle to arrive at their since quite a while ago foreseen dreams. These fantasies, and the battles important to achieve them, is one of the fundamental focal points of the film. The film started with a spouse, Walter, and wife, Ruth, battling about Walter's fantasy to make it in the business world by utilizing a protection check as an initial installment on opening an alcohol store. He accepts that in the event that somebody in the family would simply hear him out and set forth their trust, his fantasies would turn into a triumph. This scene delineates a significant clash all through the story. As Walter dreams greater and greater he appears to leave the â€Å"smaller†' things, for example, his family behind. This development away from the family is against the headway of the qualities and ethics ...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Morals SELF-ASSESSMENT PAPER AND EVALUATION - Essay Example Q4. Settling on moral choice is precarious on the grounds that realizing the rights venture to follow to deal with the issue is a test. I had an issue since I didn't have the foggiest idea about the most ideal way and procedure to follow so as to manage the issue. Q.23. addressing this inquiry for me is dubious in light of the fact that, the sexual relationship is between previous customer and the guide knows some private things about the customer. On a similar note, it is presently a previous customer so hard to tell how to deal with. The main issue is managing customer who has diverse conviction framework as me. For instance on the off chance that I have a customer who is agnostic and doesn't confidence in any religion that can be issue to me. However, so as to be proficient, I will adhere to the morals and duty of the work and that will assist me with removing any feelings and convictions that I have when managing the customer. Another issue is that I am enthusiastic and can feel frustrated about customer and offer in their feelings. For instance, I might be overpowered and want to cry with the customer. I will attempt to maintain a strategic distance from this by watching the codes. On a similar note, I will search for help from different partners to help me in intense circumstances and difficult choices. The third issue is when managing customers who don't have cash to pay for the administrations. I realize proficient must be paid to endure however now and again the customer needs more cash so it is hard to manage such issue. In any case, I will attempt to linger for exhortation structure boss and different associates so I can manage the issue in the best
Monday, August 17, 2020
Letter To the Squirrels
Letter To the Squirrels I found the weirdest thing yesterday. On top of one of the Quad garbage cans, someone had left a ripped envelope with the words “TO THE SQUIRRELS†printed across the front. Beside it was a dirty and chewed-up letter. After only the first few lines, I realized it was important and have copied it, to the best of my ability, below. SQUIRRELS: Due to your villainy and disobedience, your employment at the University of Illinois will be terminated in three weeks, should your behavior not change. Collectively, you were appointed to be a mascot, not a menace. As charming as cartoon depictions of you may be, we are more than willing to sacrifice marketing appeal for the wellbeing and safety of our students. If you would like specific examples, we can easily list some of your inadequacies, which have only increased alongside our dissatisfaction over the past two years. following students on their way to classthrowing acorns at pedestrians from your lofty branchesstealing money from the Office of the Provostespionagepestering Quad-users during lunchtimedying on the sidewalkalarming the general public by performing cheap stunts, such as dashing in front of bikes and cars or jumping out of trees Our expectations are reasonable, if not generous. Abiding close to university buildings is acceptable, so long as you frolic rather than loiter. Eating out of the Quad trashcans is fine, so long as you don’t drag it around everywhere and leave it as a hazard on the sidewalk. There is one point deserving particular attention. While you might think it’s cute that some students try to feed you things, we insist that you avoid their attempts. It will only encourage them. On this point, we will not be flexible. It is out of legal obligation, not sentimental concern, that we issue this notice. You will be given no further warning, as you deserve none. If we continue to see problems by the first day after the third week, we will disown you immediately and replace you with crickets. Furthermore, we request the return of the money stolen from the provost, as well as damages for all emotional or physical injury you’ve inflicted on our students in the past two years. You may contact us by mail, sending the above to, sincerely, TheUniversity of Illinois campustown Kate Class of 2020 I’m a senior here at the university, majoring in English and Math and minoring in Spanish. I’ve lived in Illinois all my life, sharing a room with my sister and many crickets. As the youngest in my family, I’m lucky enough to have my older siblings’ advice and perspective as I make my way through college!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart - 990 Words
Chinua Achebe Biography Chinua Achebe, the author of  ¨Things Fall Apart ¨, was known for writing about the imposition of white men on African society. Achebe was a Nigerian man who became one of the most well-known authors in the world. His works were inspired by African culture and he helped define African literature. Chinua’s most famous literary work is  ¨Things Fall Apart ¨, but he has many other books that he is known for, including â€Å"No Longer at Ease†,  ¨Arrow of God ¨, and  ¨A Man of the People ¨. Achebe helped to define African literature, and show the reality of Europeans’ mistreatment toward Africans. Chinua Achebe was born to Isaiah and Janet Achebe as Albert Chinualumogu Achebe in the Igbo town of Ogidi, Nigeria on November 16, 1930. He favored the Igbo name Chinua, which was short for Chinualumogu, instead of Albert. Achebe grew up in Ogidi until he accepted a scholarship to study medicine at the University College of Ibadan. He decided to switch to English literature and gave up the scholarship, though his brother John provided financial assistance and he was able to continue. His college professors were all European, and he read Shakespeare, Milton, Defoe, Swift, and many other renowned European authors. In 1939, one of the books they were required to read was  ¨Mister Johnson ¨. This book serves as a turning point for Achebe, and inspires him to write about Nigerian life. In 1958, he published  ¨Things Fall Apart ¨ and it received the Margaret Wrong Memorial PrizeShow MoreRelatedChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1719 Words  | 7 PagesThings fall apart is a clas sic novel written around the turn of the century, the novel focuses on the protagonist who we can also call a hero, Okonkwo. Okonkwo is a wealthy and respected leader within the Igbo tribe of Umuofia in eastern Nigeria. Strong individual with a passionate belief in all the values and traditions of his people. Chinua Achebe presents Okonkwo as a particular kind of tragic protagonist, a great man who carries the fate of his people. Okonkwo is a man who is inflexible andRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1033 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Chinua Achebe is a famous Nigerian novelist in worldwide. Things fall apart is Chinua Achebe’s first novel published in 1958, the year after Ghana became the first African nation to gain independence. And this novel is one of the first African novels to gain worldwide recognition. (Phil Mongredien, 2010) This novel presents people a story of an African Igbo tribal hero, Okonkwo, from his growth to death. The fate of Okonkwo also indicates the fate of Africa caused by the colonizationRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart883 Words  | 4 Pagesdehumanize the native population and convince themselves that they are helping. Chinua Achebe’s book Things Fall Apart attempts to correct these misguided views of African societies by portraying a more complex culture that values peace, and the art of conversation. Achebe also tries to portray the idea that not all European people they come in contact with are aggressive, and misconstrued in their view of the African societ ies. Achebe tries to show us the value of his society through repeated views into conversationsRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1410 Words  | 6 PagesTeddy Manfre Ms. Blass ENG 209-001 April 24, 2017 Things Fall Apart In 1958, Chinua Achebe a famous Nigerian author publishes one of his most famous novels Things Fall Apart. The novel takes place in a Nigerian village called Umuofia. During the time that this novel is published Nigeria is being criticized by the Europeans for being uncivilized. In response, Achebe uses his brilliance in this novel to express the valued history of his people to his audience. His focus in the novel is on the pre-colonizedRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1015 Words  | 5 PagesIn his novel Things Fall Apart, author Chinua Achebe utilizes his distinctive writing style in order to accurately capture the culture and customs of the Igbo people despite writing his story in a foreign language. Five aspects of Achebe’s style that make his writing unique is the straightforward diction present in dialogue, the inclusion of native parables convey Igbo life authentically, the inclusion of native Igbo words and phrases, detailed descriptions of nature and the usage of figurative languageRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1702 Words  | 7 PagesTitle: Things Fall Apart Biographical information about the author: Chinua Achebe was born in Nigeria in 1930. He had an early career as a radio host, and later became the Senior Research Fellow at the University of Nigeria. After moving to America, he became an English professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Achebe has won numerous awards for his poetry and fiction, including the Man Booker prize and Commonwealth Poetry Price. He currently teaches at Bard College. Author: Chinua AchebeRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1347 Words  | 6 PagesCulture is an Important Element of Society Chinua Achebe is the author of when Things Fall Apart while Joseph Conrad authored Heart of Darkness. Conrad and Achebe set their individual titles in Africa; Achebe is an African writer whereas Conrad is Polish-British. The authors draw strength from their backgrounds to validity the authenticity of their fictional novels. Conrad writes from his experiences in the British and French navies while Achebe uses his African heritage. The theme of culture isRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1248 Words  | 5 PagesChris Lowndes Ms. Cook A.P.L.C. 21 October 2015 We Are Family: Hardships in One s Family in Things Fall Apart Specific attributes correlate with each other to help create or not create the ideal strong family. However, through those attributes arise conflicts and major disputes. This issue of trying to achieve and create a strong family is of immense importance in one’s life, especially in Chinua Achebe’s, Things Fall Apart, a milestone in African literature. For instance, the father leaves his legacyRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1682 Words  | 7 Pagescertain degree of the priest class, libation, holidays, creation stories, divine systems of punishments and rewards. In the novel, Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a story of tragic fall of a protagonist and the Igbo culture. Achebe demonstrates different examples and situations of where an African culture, in the instances of tribal religions, did certain things because of their tradition is and the way they developed into. African cultures pondered life mysteries and articulated theirRead Mo reChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1314 Words  | 6 PagesChinua Achebe masterpiece â€Å"Things Fall Apart†(1959) is the classic story of Okonkwo, a young man who strives to be revered by his village and family but because of his own internal character flaws meets his own demise. In the Igbo culture, family traditions are an important narrative throughout the novel. Okonkwo, the protagonist character of this story, begins with many attributes of what would be concluded as a hero with his cultural society. He is hard working, a material provider, feared and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Case StudyCushings Essay example - 1243 Words
Case Study 78 Cushing’s Syndrome Scenario You graduated 3 months ago and are working with a home care agency. Included in your caseload is J.S., a 60-year-old man suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related to (R/T) cigarette smoking. He has been on home oxygen, 2 L oxygen by nasal cannula (O2/NC), for several years. Approximately 10 months ago, he was started on chronic oral steroid therapy. Medications include ipratropium-albuterol (Combivent) inhaler, formoterol (Foradil) inhaler, dexamethasone (Decadron), digoxin, and furosemide (Lasix). On the way to J.S.’s home, you make a mental note to check him for signs and symptoms (S/S) of Cushing’s syndrome. Clinical Presentation †¢ Centripedal (truncal) obesity or†¦show more content†¦Prednisone can cause upset stomach. It can have serious side effect with vision problems. If it’s not helping with joint pain then the dose may need altering. 8. Differentiate between the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects of prednisone. Mineralocorticoids= †¨The name mineralocorticoid derives from early observations that these hormones were involved in the retention of sodium, a mineral. The primary endogenous mineralocorticoid is aldosterone, although a number of other endogenous hormones (including progesterone and deoxycorticosterone) have mineralocorticoid function. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Aldosterone acts on the kidneys to provide active reabsorption of sodium and an associated passive reabsorption of water, as well as the active secretion of potassium in the principal cells of the cortical collecting tubule and active secretion of protons via proton ATPases in the lumenal membrane of the intercalated cells of the collecting tubule. This in turn results in an increase of blood pressure and blood volume. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Glucocortiocoids= †¨Glucocorticoids (GC) are a class of steroid hormones that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor, which is present in almost every vertebrate animal cell. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨GCs are part of the feedback mechanism in the immune system that turns immune activity (inflammation) down. They are therefore used in medicine to treat diseases that are caused by an overactive immune system, such as allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and sepsis. GCs have
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Core Peripheries Free Essays
Economic value will shift to the ends of the networks, as a result of the decoupling of intelligence in a network. Subsequently, companies have realized that they need to change their focus to the core – the back-end intelligence that is farthest away from the user – and the periphery – the front-end intelligence that is closest to the user. This separation of value to the ends has thus created an opportunity for organizations to optimize their business functions around the ends. We will write a custom essay sample on Core Peripheries or any similar topic only for you Order Now Common Infrastructure As in the case of the PC at work, there was a clash between what the users wanted: easy-to-use, portable, and flexible at the front-end; powerful and reliable at the back-end. In trying to provide both requirements some necessary design compromises had to be made previously. However, with the decoupling of intelligence in networks the two ends could be separated and a common infrastructure provided at the back-end, in the form of one server in the IT Department of the office, while the front-end intelligence could be made without compromise as specialized machines. Similarly, disparate elements within the company can be combined to form shared infrastructures that are more cost-effective in their specialization. Modularity The mobilization of intelligence is another pattern that has resulted in a trend that has shifted economic value in the network. Sawhney and Parikh (2001) have discovered that the importance of plug-and-play has been established by the subsequent modularity of devices, softwares, and processes into self-contained modules that can be assimilated into a new value chain as needed. Sharing of capabilities is more important in this regard, than safeguarding of proprietary assets. Orchestration With increased modularity, it has become more and more economically valuable for there to be companies and managers that are able to coordinate, organize, and connect the different modules into new value chains. HP and Cisco are such examples of companies that are seeking to become the intelligent hubs to coordinate their various stakeholders, and are thus reaping the lion’s share of the value in their respective networks. Conclusion In the words of Sawhney and Parikh (2010, p. 79): â€Å"By learning to recognize two simple patterns in the evolution of networks, you may be able to turn chaos into opportunity. †It is the intelligence of the network, more specifically its location and mobility as established by the recent advancements in technology that determines the way that companies organize disparate pieces of information, products, people, and the market, and consequently, how to maximize the inherent value. References Sawhney, M. Parikh, D. (2001). Where Value Lives in a Networked World. Harvard Business Review, 79, p79-86. Retrieved May 02, 2010, from Harvard Business Review. How to cite Core Peripheries, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Shared Responsibility Global Issue
Question: Discuss about theShared Responsibilityfor Global Issue. Answer: Introduction A Global Issue where Shared Responsibility for the Common Good is not Being Realised: In philosophy, economics and in political science the term common good is referred to as the art of sharing for the benefit of the community, which is attained through citizenship, combined action and active contribution in the territory of politics and public service (Kruse Schmitt, 2015). Humans face the choice of accepting the modest sacrifices for a common good where they uncaringly defend themselves. Several appeals to common good have surfaced in the negotiations of trade and social accountabilities concerning the environmental pollution, inadequate education and problems related to poverty. The notion of common good is not in conformity with a pluralistic community. Different individuals have different ideas and these differences have expanded over the years. Even if the humans agreed upon their values they would certainly disagree concerning their value things which they share in common (Hemphill et al., 2016). One of the problems that came across is the effort to encourage common good with that of individualism. The historical customs have placed a greater value on the freedom, private rights which permit every human being to do their own things. According to the cultural views, society is understood as separate independent individuals who freely follow their goals and interest without any intervention from others. Under the individual civilization, it is hard and unfeasible to induce individuals to sacrifice few of their freedom along with their individual goals and interest for the sake of common goals (Shih Susanto, 2016). Appeals to common good are usually dealt with the problems of uneven sharing of responsibilities. Upholding common good generally requires an individual to shoulder the cost, which is much higher than those borne by others. These problems are generally considered as obstacle where the shared responsibility for common goods is not realised. Ways to Address the Challenge: To establish and sustain inclusive society it is critical that all members of the community should be motivated to contribute in civic, social, economical and political activities both at the global and domestic level. In order to address this challenge of promoting common good there are several areas which needs to be addressed. Firstly, to support the dignity of humanity, one must ask the questions relating to decision makers along with the treatment mated out to the humans since they are not commodities (Leipziger, 2015). Questions also arise relating to the procedure of making the existing supply chain into value chains. There are few goals, which need to be pursued. This consists of making the education system open to all, which brings equal opportunity for humans. In the wake of industrialisation, the goal must be of providing sufficient number of jobs. This demands large number of emphasis on creating employment opportunities for non-graduates with strong educational opportunities, apprentice schemes, a pro-active tax and incentive structure. Contributing in society requires commitment to reduce disparity and keeping earnings and rewards contained by fair bands at the pinnacle and underside of scale (Barna, 2013). Underpinning the realism of both opportunity and communal mobility helps in promoting human well being along with the liberty of equality to live a respected life. Corporations, governments and institution of all kinds are provided with charter carrying the hope that they will look for the common good. Complying on the basic universal and ethical values helps in restoring the common good. It is noteworthy to denote that complying with the needs for these values must be reflected in the legislation that is adopted and regulations propagated by the individual countries (Susskind Ali, 2014). This helps in defining international economic agreement which helps in identifies the duties of nations towards each other. Addressing the common good requires shifting from the shareholder model of organisations and client model of other important institutions such as universities school towards the stakeholder model. Financial sector, which is generally perceived as stable, socially useful and accountable, must strengthen the reality of both opportunity and communal mobility. An ethic steward cares for both the planet as well as posterity in contrast to the short-term market fundamentalism. Promoting an effective stewardship helps in determining the success by creating an impactful decision making policy. It is worth mentioning that promoting stewardship helps in encouraging commitment towards preserving natural capital in favour of the future generations. Converting an economy towards the endless growth will lead to sustainability of economy. Stewardship helps in adopting new and improved measurement systems, which helps in ascertaining the progress both at the global and organisational levels (Font et al., 2016). It is noteworthy to denote that a community where most members if not all feel that they are participating towards contributing the basic needs are provided with the opportunity to contribute in the process of decision making. Prevailing circumstances of strong civil society is fundamental in framing of public policies. It helps in fostering respect for the rights along with dignity for all people by assuming that the responsibilities are fulfilled within the society. In simple terms, humans must understand that sympathy, compassion and affinity forms the key to human being society. Humans cannot understand their own interest if not they understand the interest of others. Global systems creates more impact on the life of humans which calls for taking seriously the rights and responsibilities as others must be evolving as well. In the current the human race, it is evident that global systems have led to several global stage problems, which requires global level of answers (Boisson Nollkaemper, 2016). Global problems require global solutions and creating new institutions may be considered as useful in certain circumstances. Traditional civics provides the opportunity to decide the rights and responsibilities generated from the social contract within the state or nation. It should be noted that global issues demands harmonized actions at the global, domestic and provincial level. Thus, supplementary actions are necessary for several actors who are n ot the parties to the global conformities and whose responsibilities are not completely specified (Tarullo et al., 2015). It is worth mentioning that point of global ethics is not which the administration of the global issues must constantly be pushed forward to the global mechanisms. Hence, it is rather identifying the correct balance amid the global and local responsibilities for attaining the global ethics. Equal distribution of wealth and resources is another significant element of common good in an inclusive society. The allocation of resources and utilization significantly creates an impact on the orientation of society either in the direction of more integrated or disintegrated one. Hence, social economic policies must be so formed that helps in managing equal distribution and opportunities of resources. Inclusive policies and programs, which is sensitive to and cater less advantage, should be put into the place in all the areas and sections for sufficient implementations (Hemphill et al., 2016). Providing the options of diversity helps in checking and balancing the development of community as it allows the greatest amount of diverse opinions to enter every discourse. Thus, it can be concluded that society, which maintains the harmony of intention or collective vision embraced by community, will be termed as more complete since all members will working towards combined objective. Reference List: Barna, G. (2013).The power of team leadership: Achieving success through shared responsibility. WaterBrook. Boisson de Chazournes, L., Nollkaemper, A. (2016). Partnerships between International Institutions and Issues of (Shared) Responsibility.International Organizations Law Review,13(1), 1-20. Font, X., Guix, M., Bonilla-Priego, M. J. (2016). Corporate social responsibility in cruising: Using materiality analysis to create shared value.Tourism Management,53, 175-186. Hemphill, T. A., Hemphill, T. A., Kelley, K. J., Kelley, K. J. (2016). Socially responsible global supply chains: The human rights promise of shared responsibility and ISO 45001.Journal of Global Responsibility,7(2), 163-180. Kruse, A., Schmitt, E. (2015). Shared responsibility and civic engagement in very old age.Research in Human Development,12(1-2), 133-148. Leipziger, D. (2015).The corporate responsibility code book. Greenleaf Publishing. O'Faircheallaigh, C. (2013). Community development agreements in the mining industry: an emerging global phenomenon.Community Development,44(2), 222-238. Shih, H. A., Susanto, E. (2016). Perceived identifiability, shared responsibility and innovative work behavior.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-19. Susskind, L. E., Ali, S. H. (2014).Environmental diplomacy: negotiating more effective global agreements. Oxford University Press. Tarullo, D. K., Hoenig, T. M., Walter, I., Goldberg, L. S., Huertas, T. F., Hughes, J. P., Mester, L. J. (2015). Shared responsibility for the regulation of international banks.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Executive Compensation Programs free essay sample
Evolution, types (stocks, deferred compensation), taxation, stockholder responses and examples. (more)
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Profile of Pierre de Coubertin, Modern Olympics Founder
Profile of Pierre de Coubertin, Modern Olympics Founder Pierre de Coubertin (January 1, 1863–September 2, 1937) was the founder of the modern Olympics. His campaign to promote athletic activities began as a lonely crusade, but it slowly gained support and he was able to organize the first modern Olympics in Athens in 1896. He was a founding member of the International Olympic Committee and served as its president from 1896 to 1925. Fast Facts: Pierre de Courbertin Known For: Founding of the modern Olympics in 1896Also Known As: Pierre de Frà ©dy, Baron de CoubertinBorn: January 1, 1863 in Paris, FranceParents: Baron Charles Louis de Frà ©dy, Baron de Coubertin and Marie–Marcelle Gigault de CrisenoyDied: September 2, 1937 in Geneva, SwitzerlandEducation: Externat de la rue de ViennePublished Works: Olympism: Selected Writings, Università ©s Transatlantiques, Ode to Sport (a poem)Awards and Honors: Gold medal for Literature, 1912 Olympics, nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, 1935Spouse: Marie RothanChildren: Jacques, Renà ©eNotable Quote: â€Å"When I restored the Olympiads, I did not look to what was nearby; I looked to the far-off future. I wanted to give the world, in an enduring way, an ancient institution whose guiding principle was becoming necessary for its health.†Early Life Born on January 1, 1863, in Paris, Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin was 8 years old when he witnessed the defeat of his homeland in the Franco-Prussian War. He came to believe that his nation’s lack of physical education for the masses contributed to the defeat at the hands of Prussians led by Otto von Bismarck. In his youth, Coubertin was also fond of reading British novels for boys that stressed the importance of physical strength. The idea formed in Coubertin’s mind early on that the French educational system was too intellectual. What was desperately needed in France, Coubertin believed, was a strong component of physical education. Historical Context for His Lifework Athletics were becoming increasingly popular through the 1800s, after a long prior period when Coubertins society was essentially indifferent to sports- or even considered sports to be a frivolous diversion. Scientists in the 19th century began touting athletics as a way of improving health. Organized athletic endeavors, such as baseball leagues in the United States, were celebrated. In France, the upper classes indulged in sports, and young Pierre de Coubertin participated in rowing, boxing, ​and fencing. Coubertin became fixated on physical education in the 1880s as he became convinced that athletic prowess could save his nation from military humiliation. Travels and Study of Athletics In the 1880s and early 1890s, Coubertin made several trips to America and a dozen trips to England to study the administration of athletics. The French government was impressed with his work and commissioned him to hold athletic congresses, which featured events such as horseback riding, fencing, and track and field. A small item in the New York Times in December 1889 mentioned Coubertin visiting the campus of Yale University: His object in coming to this country is to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the management of athletics at American colleges and thereby to devise some means of interesting the students at the French University in athletics. The Founder of the Modern Olympics The ambitious plans of Coubertin to revitalize the educational system of France never really materialized, but his travels began to inspire him with a far more ambitious plan. He began thinking about having countries compete in athletic events based on the Olympic festivals of ancient Greece. In 1892, at a jubilee of the French Union of Athletic Sports Societies, Coubertin introduced the idea of a modern Olympics. His idea was fairly vague, and it seems that even Coubertin himself did not have a clear idea of the form such games would take. Two years later, Coubertin organized a meeting that brought together 79 delegates from 12 countries to discuss how to revive the Olympic Games. The meeting established the first International Olympic Committee. The committee decided on the basic framework of having the Games every four years, with the first one to take place in Greece. The First Modern Olympics The decision to hold the first modern Olympics in Athens, at the site of the ancient Games, was symbolic. It also proved to be problematic, as Greece was embroiled in political turmoil. However, Coubertin visited Greece and became convinced the Greek people would be happy to host the Games. Funds were raised to mount the Games, and the first modern Olympics began in Athens on April 5, 1896. The festival continued for 10 days and included events such as foot races, lawn tennis, swimming, diving, fencing, bicycle races, rowing, and a yacht race. A dispatch in The New York Times on April 16, 1896, described the closing ceremonies the previous day under the headline, Americans Won Most Crowns. The King [of Greece] handed to each winner of a first prize a wreath fashioned of wild olive plucked from the trees at Olympia, and laurel wreaths were given to the winners of second prizes. All of the prize winners then received diplomas and medals... .[T]he total number of athletes who received crowns was forty-four, of whom eleven were Americans, ten Greeks, seven Germans, five French, three English, two Hungarians, two Australians, two Austrians, one Dane and one Swiss. Subsequent Games held in Paris and St. Louis were overshadowed by Worlds Fairs, but the Stockholm Games in 1912 returned to the ideals expressed by Coubertin. Death During World War I, Coubertins family suffered hardships and fled to Switzerland. He was involved in organizing the 1924 Olympics but retired after that. The final years of his life were greatly troubled, and he faced severe financial hardships. He died in Geneva on September 2, 1937. Legacy Baron de Coubertin gained recognition for his work promoting the Olympics. In 1910, former President Theodore Roosevelt, visiting France after a safari in Africa, made a point of visiting Coubertin, whom he admired for his love of athletics. His influence on the institution he founded endures. The idea of the Olympics as an event filled not merely with athletics but great pageantry came from Pierre de Coubertin. So while the Games are, of course, held on a scale far more grand than anything he could have imagined, the opening ceremonies, parades, and fireworks are very much ​a part of his legacy. Finally, it was also Coubertin who originated the idea that while the Olympics can instill national pride, the cooperation of the worlds nations may promote peace and prevent conflict. Resources and Further Reading â€Å"Americans Won Most Crowns: Olympian Games Closed with the Distribution of Wreaths and Medals.†New York Times, 16 April 1896, p. 1. Coubertin, Pierre, and Norbert Mà ¼ller. Olympism: Selected Writings. Comità © International Olympique, 2000.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Fashion Apparel Manufacturing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fashion Apparel Manufacturing - Essay Example Marketing Strategies Coach always tries to offer something new to customers through carefully designed marketing strategy. The company has revamped their product line over the time in order to fulfill demand of various customers. Coach has great success because of the strength of its brand. The company specializes in selling ladies handbags, luggage, wallets, briefcases and leather accessories. Brands offered by Coach have three distinctive brand equities. These three factors can be classified as product innovation, excellent value offering and relevance. The company conducts market research about customer preference by conducting interview of 15,000 people every year and based on interview report they innovate products in accordance to customers’ lifestyle. Product line of the company maintains relevance with demand of the customers by changing fashion statement and trend in periodically. Coach offers value products by offering, inspirational, stylish leather goods to customers. Coach offers leat her goods to both men and women in the following manner. Women Reason Men Reason Handbags, wristlets, shoes, outerwear, jewelry, fragrance, sunglass and many more To attract women with colorful product line Wallet, accessories, belts, shoes, outerwear, tech accessories and many others To fulfill multidimensional fashion requirement of men (Source: â€Å"Shop†) Target Customers The company mainly targets women in the age range of twenty to fifty five. Coach has significantly introduced new products in their offering in order to fulfill demand of women belong to various age group. Analyzing mailing list of the company helps the study understand demographics of target market in the following manner (Paxson 64). Professional women and women with white collar job. These women prefer to shop trendy and fashionable shoes, wardrobe items, apparels in order to enhance their professional image in front of external society. Women do not want to compromise with style, fashion statement i n order show their taste to external society. They believe by purchasing branded products of coach will not only enhance their social image but beautify them also. Research report shows that average age of women purchasing leather items from Coach is forty five with an average spending of $100 on each item. Promotions The company relies heavily on e-marketing in order to promote their product. The value proposition offered by the company has five distinctive pillars. Providing sufficient links in the website to attract customers and investors to access financial statements, stock information, report of new product launch etc. â€Å"My Account†feature is added in the website to engage customers with the company. The company updates their feature product line on website periodically in order to retain existing customers. The company conducts online market research on customer preference and based on the research report they decide marketing strategy. Coach has introduced †Å"Coach by Request†section for customers in order to offer them superior customer service. â€Å"Coach by Request†gives the opportunity for customers to order home delivery of tailor made items. Licensing Coach has recently signed license agreement with Luxottica Group for designing, manufacturing and distributing sun and prescription eyewear under the brand name of Coach Poppy, Reed Krakoff
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The History of Film Style. Narrative Structure and Cinematic Style Essay
The History of Film Style. Narrative Structure and Cinematic Style - Essay Example Classical Hollywood Cinematic style was developed in 1917 to 1960 and this style became popular due to international dominance of Hollywood films. Classical Hollywood Cinematic style has attained popularity at the global mainly due to unified driving force behind called as motivational convention. The period in which classical Hollywood films got famous is known as â€Å"Golden age of Hollywood†(Jewell 2007). After Golden age of Hollywood, innumerable films have been produced that have gained popularity at the global level, one of which is seven awards winning recent film entitled as "Lantana". Along with the rise of Classical Hollywood films attention of film professionals also diverted towards arts films during 1960s. Art films involve reflection of high cultural and educational values. These films focus on the authorial expressivity of the director on actions and perceptions of characters. In both types of cinematic work, innovative techniques or styles are used for the de velopment and exploration of new ideas (Jewell 2007). This paper aims to evaluate narrative styles and cinematic techniques of Classical and Art films of Hollywood. Also, most importantly the influence of these styles on New Hollywood and New Australian film directors with reference to an Australian film Lantana (2001) by Ray Lawrence. It is an Australian film that won seven awards and popularity all over the world. In this film, some most prominent traditional stylistics and narrative techniques of classical and art films era have been adopted. The term classic flickers some timeless, great, old, black and white films on our mind screens and these are true stereotypes. However, there are some traditional styles, modes of representation and techniques, which are used to make classical films to awe-inspiring in quality. In almost all classical films an element of â€Å"auteurism†has been observed, which implies that the vision and viewpoint of the director should be clearly r eflect in the film (D. Bordwell 1997). A touch of auteurism has been clearly reflected in the film Lantana (2001) by Ray Lawrence. This touch was noticed with the intensity and analysis of a complex series of relationships in suburban Sydney, and the mysterious crime scenes. In art film cinema different films such as auteur films are presented that clearly depicts viewpoints and perceptions of directors like Classical Hollywood films. An element of "auteurism" was prioritized in both classical and art films of Hollywood. Thus, it is noteworthy here that the new directors have also adopted theory of auteurism in their films that clearly reflects thoughts and ideas of a director. For instance, Lantana movie critics have claimed that the way whole movie has been designed and produced reflects upon the personality analysis of Lawrence, and it can be explicitly observed the way he presented emotional bonds in the film are his own perspectives. Also, film literature has evidenced that the film Picnic at Hanging Rock released in 1975 was based on the Joan Landsey book related to unpredictable disappearance of a schoolgirls. Scholars have written that this was a sharp you turn in the development of Australian cinema, as it was the first quality film in which the theory of Auteurism was applied and as a result Weir became the first director to reflect inferiority of Australian culture (Weir 1975). Radical techniques have been employed to create a sense of profound thoughts through photography, which ensured that photography focus everything in shot and implementation of a â€Å"Mise-en-Scene†stylistic technique allow viewers observe deeply. While using this stylistic
Monday, January 27, 2020
Small And Medium Enterprises In Bangladesh
Small And Medium Enterprises In Bangladesh There is great interest in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as major tool of poverty reduction in Bangladesh. Government of Bangladesh formulated a comprehensive Industrial Policy-2005 by putting special emphasis for developing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as a thrust sector for balanced and sustainable industrial development in the country to help deal with the challenges of free market economy and globalization. With multilateral trade negotiations is often leading to improving market access and with developing countries also being a lot more willing than before to participate in globalization, rich country government and the aid agencies have apparently decided to focus on the SMEs as one important ingredient of private-sector development. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have been playing a pivotal role in terms of economic growth, employment generation, poverty reduction and industrialization (e.g. through entrepreneurship development) in Bangladesh. Industria lizations link to poverty reduction is through charging-up the growth rate of the country, enhancement of the productivity of the worker(s) in employment, providing employment to the unemployed, expanding consumer spending and thus the confidence level by sharing lower costs from scale economies via lower prices. As a result SME in Bangladesh takes several strategies to grow itself economy of this country. Such as Market development strategy, product development strategy, diversification strategy etc. The Government of Bangladesh constituted the taskforce to monitor and operate Small Medium Scale Industries late in 2003. Present era is totally technology based; there is no any scope to operate business vigorously without technology. So each and every business sector in developed countries is using modern technology whereas our business mainly SME is using ancient methods which are not consistent with present up rising competition. Most of the small businesses in Bangladesh are no t able to export goods to other countries after meeting the demand of own country. But it is also true that our SME sectors are developing day by day and it is contributing more in economics in Bangladesh than previous time. Chapter -1: Introduction 1.1 Background of the report There is no chance to deny the fact that Bangladesh needs a sustained level of growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in order to reduce poverty. Having predominance of agro-based economic activities, low level of technological development, lack of availability of highly skilled laborers, small scale businesses have been suitably developed in the country. Considering the countrys level of economic growth, composition of resources or natural resources, level of international integration, and growing urbanization, industrialization there is huge scope for developing diversified and new SMEs in agriculture, manufacturing, service sectors etc. Scope of employment can be enlarged or widened both in rural and urban areas, which will help to reduce income inequality between urban and rural areas by SMEs. SMEs contribution to the economy is well-known. According to BSCIC (2009), small and cottage industries accounted for 90.91 per cent of total industrial establishments in 20082009. About 90 per cent of total employment and more than 55 per cent of total manufacturing value added originated from SMEs. In another estimate, there are around 66000 small industry units and 611,612 cottage industry units, which provide employment of nearly 3.5 million people. When handlooms are added, the number of cottage industry units alone shoots up above 700,000 (BSCIC, 2009). SMEs achieved considerable growth in different sub-sectors like, paper, printing and publishing; non-metallic mineral products; metal products; chemical; food, beverage tobacco etc. SMEs growth in Bangladesh is comparable with the growth achieved in different large scale industries in Bangladesh. However, a number of challenges have slowed down the development or growth of SMEs. In spite of its extensive coverage in manufacturing and service related activities, productivity of SMEs is not good in our country. In a number of sectors, there is no well-structured value chain developed between upper stream and lower stream. It is true that growing urbanization in the country and rising per capita income at urban level have been creating demand for relatively better quality products at a higher price, instead of low quality products at lower price. Currently, a larger part of this demand has been met up by low-priced, low quality imported products, because local SMEs are not able enough to provide satisfactory amount of better quality products. Though SME is becoming gradually a rising industrial sector in our country and contributing more and more in export, this sector faces several problems like- lake of technical know-how, shortage of long term financial support, lack of skilled workers, marketing link, research and development. Naturally, development of competitiveness of local SMEs is the major challenge that has to be met in order to sustain and enlarge the growth of this sector. The major objective of this report is to show the growth of SME, present status of SME, problems faced by SME and government policies to operate SME in our country. 1.2 Objectives The major objective of this report is to explore the: Current development status of SME in Bangladesh Problems faced by SME Government policies to operate SME in our country 1.3 Limitation Although it has been tried on the level best to make this report based on facts and complete information available, there are some limitations that are inevitable. They are following: This study is limited to only the development of SME in Bangladesh; There was a time limitation as three months internship period is not enough to study the growth of SME; Primary data is collected from different SMEs owners by questionnaires. So without trust on owners answers there is no any way to justify these answers. Chapter -2: Methodology To explore the growth of SMEs in Bangladesh others terms such as current status of SME, problems faced by SME, Government policies etc are described in this report. This report basically focuses on growth of SME in Bangladesh. 2.1 sampling design Sampling size is 20 2.2 Methods of collecting data For completing this report data is collected from two sourcesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ primary Secondary Primary data Sources: Primary data is collected by questionnaires from direct respondents (small business owners). Questionnaires are also adjusted with this report. Secondary data sources: Secondary data is collected from different News paper, Web sites, Different articles, Report, etc. 2.3 Analytical tools Simple equation is used to analyses this questionnaires. Chapter -3 Literature review In the business world, small and micro-businesses form an absolute majority worldwide. Bangladesh as a developing country has started refocusing its attention on SME to enhance its economic stability. Though there is no any standard definition of SME in the world, we can say that small business is a business which starts its activities with small amount of capital, small amount of land, few numbers of employees to serve small numbers of customers it is known as small business. This paper sets out to analysis the small business growth in Bangladesh. The terms growth, success are often very closely linked and are sometimes even used as synonyms. Traditionally they are all measured by hard financial measures, such as turnover, or by increased numbers of Employees. This report tries to show the roles of SMEs for overall development of Bangladesh. Such as economic growth, poverty alleviation, employment generation, and the growth dimensions in three major sectors agriculture, industry, and service. The study also shows the bottlenecks of SMEs and the effect of globalization on its development in Bangladesh to the success of SMEs in exploiting, surviving, rapid globalization of markets. In this paper the final pursuit is to develop a framework to illustrate a sustainable business solution that simultaneously fight poverty and accelerate economic growth through SMEs. SME takes several strategies to grow itself as well as economic development of Bangladesh. Such as Market development strategy, product development strategy, diversification strategy etc. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are playing a pivotal role in terms of economic growth, employment generation, and industrialization (e.g. through entrepreneurship development). Many authors expressed their opinion about SME growth in developing country like Bangladesh. These are given belowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Beck, Kunt, and Levine (2005) in SMEs, Growth, and Poverty states that Cross-Country Evidence have found a strong association between SMEs development and Gross Domestic Product in per Capita. Harvie (2004) in East Asian SME capacity Building, competitiveness and Market Opportunities in a Global Economy postulates that developing economies are especially seeing small business as potential instruments for the alleviation of poverty. Carl Liedholm, Michael, McPherson and Anyinna Chuta et al show that The percentage of job growth coming from enterprise expansion in rural areas is significantly higher than that of urban areas in developing country. Above mentioned opinions of different authors show the growth trend of SME in developing country like Bangladesh. Actually SME helps poor people to develop their position. This report tries to shows that the SMEs activities its impact on our economic growth. For developing the sense about SME its impact this report is based on field survey. Though SME is an important component of economic growth so it has to keep relation with others factors such as knowledge, capital mobilization, creativity, ability to take initiatives, record keeping, financial control, industry management experience, etc which are very important to enhance economic growth of this country. This report also focuses on these factors. In our country majority percent of entrepreneurs take decisions by their own sense. Small business brings great opportunity for small capital owners. They can easily use this small capital can remove poverty. Though small business owners are poor, they need support from external and internal sources. Here relatives different financial institutions play important roles in this case. Considering all these, the governments of many developing and less-developed countries are adopting separate SME policies. Bangladesh government has developed rules regulations to run the SME in Bangladesh. Tax rebate, interest of loan, location of this business etc are main factors have great impact on economic growth which taken by the government to run SME. After the independence of Bangladesh governments of different tenures took a long time to realize the need of entrepreneurship development. We may get the scenario if we analyze the development by deferent government tenure. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. 1972-1975 Period: During this period trade policy of the country was mainly project-oriented. As the country was just free from an autocratic reign of Pakistani juntas and the industrial infrastructure was damaged by the war of liberation, so, government of the then period had no alternative but to initiate by itself. Private participation over the industrial sector was totally stopped. Government initiated to establish large number of nationalized industries. As a result entrepreneurship development concept was totally lost. 1975-1982 Period: From this time government realized the need of entrepreneurship development for economic growth. Government started to privatize its seek industries and introduced deregulation policies in industrial sector. New private entrepreneurs were created with new enthusiasm. These governments introduced mixed economic system. 1982-1990 Period: Privatization and deregulation policies started in some specific sectors. Selling the seek industries to private sector got momentous. Entrepreneurship was encouraged by formulating appropriate fiscal policies. 1991-2004 Period: Governments of these periods introduced market economy to a significant extent. Initiated policies to liberalize the trade policies. Privatization board was constituted to explore the environmental opportunities. Export-oriented privatization policy was introduced. GATT, WTO established took up some issues in this country by the international policies and to provide some ways and strategies. It is another factor that, how many numbers of SME in our country it is not easy to say. So, no one knows for sure how many SMEs are in Bangladesh today. In 1975 BSCIC (Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation) surveyed to find out the actual numbers of SME in our country, but until today actual numbers of SME are not found out. SME growth is also affected by the environment -external internal. External environment is very important to internationalize SME. Environment is major component of development without it development cannot move away. So SME has to maintain the rules and regulation of environment. To grow SME financial non-financial indicators are very important. The combination of these two factors brings the economic success of a country. To develop small business there are many institutional arrangements, which vary degrees of effectiveness in the following areasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Financial support: Long-term financing are generally provided by Bangladesh Bank, other specialized bank and financial institutions. Commercial bank provide short term loan to business enterprise regardless of the size in the form of general credit, industrial credit, rural credit program, micro credit, special credit, etc at varying interest rate of 11-16% depending on the purpose of development. Human resource development: Small business needs skilled manpower for production, management and accounts. A number of organizations are engaged in these activities such as BUET, BIT, Polytechnic and Vocational Training Institutes, etc for making skilled manpower. Policy Instruments: Government has been supporting small business through various policy formulations and their implementation. Ministries of industry, Ministry of Finance and Planning, Ministry of Commerce and Bangladesh Bank have developed necessary policy to develop SME. Business Development Services: Business Development Services are designed to help micro, small and medium enterprises overcome these barriers to increased productivity, profitability and access high value markets so that they can realize their potential help to poor people work their way out of poverty, grow local economies and creates jobs. In Bangladesh SME faces many problems. As a developing country these problem should be overcome. Otherwise our SME sectors will not be able to see the success. To overcome these problems to develop small business in our country in future below mentioned factors should be accepted: Training Motivation Loan facility Proper application of rules Appropriate place Opportunity to capital utilization Chapter-4 SME in Bangladesh 4.1 Definition of SME Small business is any business that independently owned and operated, is not dominant in its own field and does not engage in any new or innovative practices. It is an integral part of the total business scene in any country. It means the size of which is not big the size again depends on the yardstick one uses to measure. 4.1.1 According to industrial policy For manufacturing industries, the Taskforce recommends that: an enterprise should be treated as small if, in todays market prices, the replacement cost of plant, machinery and other parts/components, fixtures, support utility, and associated technical services by way of capitalized costs (of turn-key consultancy services, for example), etc, were to up to Tk. 15 million; an enterprise would be treated as medium if, in todays market prices, the replacement cost of plant, machinery, and other parts/components, fixtures, support utility, and associated technical services (such as turn-key consultancy), etc, were to up to Tk. 100 million; from both definitions above, land is excluded. For non-manufacturing activities (such as trading or other services), the Taskforce defines: An enterprise should be treated as small if it has less than 25 workers, in full-time equivalents; An enterprise would be treated as medium if it has between 25 and 100 employees; From both definitions above, land and structures, once again, are excluded. 4.2 Government policies of SME in Bangladesh As a developing country to develop its economic status and to reduce the poverty rate, SME is very important sector in Bangladesh. But unfortunately, until today Bangladesh could not make separate SME policy to operate this sector significantly. Some very simple polices are included in the industrial policy in 2005. These areà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The Industrial Policy-2005 states: the SME sector has been given priority as a privileged sector. The PRSP states: The Government will pursue an employment intensive industrialization with emphasis on SMEs and export-oriented industries. . The Small and Medium Enterprise Cell (SMEC) was created in the Ministry of Industries (MOI) in 2003, and was tasked to take specialist interest in SMEs development. October 2003 saw the constitution of the SME Taskforce (SMETF), with the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister as the convener. The SMETF blended the Government, the private sector, academia and the civil society as participants. The Taskforces report was approved by the Government early in 2005. On the basis of the report of the SME Taskforce, the Government of Bangladesh issued Small Medium Enterprise Policy Strategies, 2005 to provide a framework for interventions and policy strategies for the development of SMEs. The Government constituted a Small Medium Enterprise Advisory Panel (SMEAP) as an independent and meritocratic brains-trust for the MOI for all developmental, technical and structural advisories in the name of SME development. According to Industrial Policy 2005, there are special fiscal incentives for SMEs. Since Industries will enjoy tax holiday facility for a period of 5 to 8 years depending on the locations; Agro-processing and computer software industries will receive income tax relief for a fixed period; Industrial enterprises engaged in the production of RMG will receive taxation facility at a reduced rate of 10 per cent on their export income; Special revenue facilities will be provided to industries marked as thrust sectors, SMEs and cottage industries; Industrial enterprises registered with the Board of Investment need not pay any transfer fee; The Government is committed to develop industrialization led by the private sector amid a business environment that can bring out the best among all SME stakeholders It is also pointed out in the industrial policy that Bangladesh government has taken initiatives to make separate SME policy. But when this policy will be made and implemented it is a big question today. 4.3 Strategy for Small Business development in Bangladesh Four strategies we can follow to grow the Small Business in our country. These are given belowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Penetration strategy Product Development Strategy Market development Strategy Diversification Strategy Penetration strategy A Penetration strategy focuses on the firms existing product in its existing market, and entrepreneurs try to develop the product and market by encouraging existing customer to buy the more of the firms current product. Market development Strategy It is a strategy which grows small business by selling the firms existing product to the new customers There are several strategies under the market development strategyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Market Development Strategy Geographical Market Demographic Market Product use B.1) Geographical Market: This simply suggests selling the existing product in new location. B.2) Demographic market: demographics are used to characterize customers based upon their income, where they live, their education, age, and sex; and so on. B.3) Product use: An entrepreneur might find out that people use its product in a way that was not expected. This new knowledge of product use provides insight into how product may be valuable to the new group o buyers. C) Product development strategy Product development strategy for growth involve developing and selling new product to people who are already purchasing the firms existing product. Diversification strategy This strategy involves selling a new product to a new market. 4.3 Opportunity and challenges for SME of Bangladesh Opportunities: Bangladesh is an agricultural country. 85% populations of Bangladesh are Farmer. So agricultural gets the priority all times. But today people are becoming aware of industry. In this circumstance small business has huge opportunity to develop itself in our country. Some important opportunities of SME are described in below- Education Rate: The education rate of Bangladesh is increasing day by day. Educated people are always tried to do something new, and they are not afraid of taking risk. So, new businesses are being launched day by day. Industrial Policy: Industrial policy help people to do business correctly and it provides many facilities to new business owners. So, small business is seeing new sun of success. Availability of Resources: In our country there are many resources to develop and operate small business significantly. Foreign Market Potentiality: Small business of Bangladesh produces many goods which have demands in foreign market, and can earn huge foreign currency. So, small business is developed day by day. Honorable Profession: Many people imagine that Small Business is very prestigious profession. So, young people are developing small business day by day. Environment: Environment of Bangladesh is appropriate for business. Those businesses are not appropriate in ice-land area these are appropriate in our country. Growth of domestic product GDP of a country is very important to measure the growth of SMEs. In our growth rate is becoming good day by day. Current GDP growth of our country is 6%. Without above mentioned opportunities there are many other reasons for which Small Business is developing successfully. Problems of SME in Bangladesh: There is a great prospect of SME in Bangladesh. It plays a pivotal role in the economic development of this country but SME of Bangladesh faces many challenges in different areaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Government policy Until today Bangladesh could not make a standard SME policy to operate this sector significantly. Moreover the government policy emphasizes on production factors rather than human factor. Human factor is getting the least attention for the promotion of small business in the country. There is another problem for making the policy. Government is not making a clear cut policy of developing small business in the country. Awareness of facilities Sometimes government offers a few facilities to the small business but owners of small business are not aware of the available facilities in the country for establishing small business. There is no any proper media to aware small business owner about facilities. Training facilities To develop entrepreneurship and small business in the country availability of training and education facilities is must. But in Bangladesh there are hardly any training facilities for the small businessman. Incentive measure To develop the small and medium enterprise government of country has to provide the incentive measure. But here the small entrepreneurs are deprived of such incentives. Loan facilities Different financial institutions are offering loan facilities to small business owner. But it is a problem that small business owner who has no any power doesnt get loan facilities very easily. Security Many small business owners operate their business in open place like field, road, bus, and in other transportation. They are not secured because they face many dangerous situations. Women entrepreneurship Women are controlled by man means husband or father or elder brother. So women small business cant be operated very smoothly. In our country there is no suitable social environment to operate small business by women. Small capital Small business owners have no huge capital to operate the business. So they cant achieve the apex of goal. Modern technology they cant use and standard product they cant produce. Above mentioned points are considered as strong barriers of SME development in Bangladesh. So it can be said that to increase the contribution of SMEs on Bangladesh economy government, NGOs, commercial banks, others financial institutions have to put great emphasize on SMEs sector in Bangladesh 4.4 Government budgetary measures for the development of SME in 2010 Table Sectors Taka(cr) % Fiscal year Economy industry 1219 1.07% 2010-2011 Business 185 0.16% 2010-2011 Bangladesh is agriculture based country. So main priority is given to this sector always, but comparatively business sector always gets little priority, though it has great contribution on our economy. To develop the SME sector Bangladesh government has to give great priority to this sector. 4.5 Role of SME on economic development of Bangladesh The role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to economic development of a country is well organized. Across the globe it is strongly perceived that SMEs do play vital role in the industrial development, economic development of a country. Bangladesh is not lagging far behind in this respect. SME has great opportunity in this country. Environment, cheap labor, business strategy etc are the key features of SME. In view all the favorable factors; there is an urgent need in development of SME in Bangladesh as a developing country. SMEs are characterized on the basis of size, investment and employees in most countries across the world. Here are small business are those which have employees less than 50 person and have an investment of less than tk. 250 million. On the other hand, medium enterprises are those which have investment between tk.250 million and tk. 500 million with the number of employed workers ranging to 50 and 99. Generally, hand loom, food processing, lather and tannery, ceramic, light engineering, electric and electronic, handicraft, specialized textile and garments etc are fall in the category of small and medium enterprise. Information from MIDAS suggested that, around 88% of countys total industrial workforce is employed in the SMEs and the sector manufactures over 33% of industrial value added goods. Although there is no concrete information about number and types of SME in Bangladesh, an estimate of the Bangladesh small and cottage industries corporation (BSCIC) says that, there are over 42000 cottage industries in Bangladesh. There are also tens of thousands of small industries and a large number of hand loom and power loom industries in this country. Despite having huge potential to flourish, the growth of SME sector in Bangladesh is being impeded by multifarious problem, both at micro and macro levels. Inadequate knowledge of many entrepreneurs about the existing lending system and absence of necessary training facilities for small enterprise, widespread corruption and extortion and high rate of value added tax and unnecessary harassment from taxvat officials, law enforcer etc are also seen as impediments for the growth of SME. On the other hand absence of modern technology transfer policy, lack of infrastructure and support like port, power, gas, poor law and order, inadequate legal frame work, policy have been identified as the key macro level problem. Bangladesh SMEs have no enough exposure to international market. Considering the above all situation, Bangladesh government along with donors support took some measures over the year to support the development of SMEs. Various institutions including the BSCIC, BOI (Board of investment) Commercial banks, other financial institutions are working to promote the MSE sector, but their services and support are still inadequate. Experts argue that all the institutions have to build up capacity and upgrade their attitudes to provide appropriate and quick service to entrepreneurs. The government has already given special attention to the promotion of SMEs sectors. Though government and others financial institutions have given special attention to the promotion of SMEs sector, the contribution of non-government organization in this sector is still poor. So it can be said that to increase the contribution of SMEs on Bangladesh economy government, NGOs, commercial banks, others financial institutions have to put great emphasize on SMEs sector in Bangladesh. Chapter 05: Present status of SME in Bangladesh questionnaire This part is based on survey through questionnaires. Calculation: Number of respondent: frequency ÃÆ'-100 Question 01: Age of entrepreneurs Table -01 Responses 20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-more Total Number of respondent 02 04 08 04 02 20 Percentage 10% 20% 40% 20% 10% 100% From the above table we can state that, 31-35 years people are more interested to do own business like SME. Question02: Owners of SME are male or female Table-02 Responses Female Male Total Number of respondent 7 13 20 Percentage 35% 56% 100% From above data we can conclude that male is more interested than female. Ques
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Motivation in Economic Downturn for Surviving Employees
| Motivation in Economic Downturn for Surviving Employees| Awesome| Julia Gao Helen HuHannah Hung Chimeme Pan Johnson SunMandy WongYidi YuElaine Zhu| | 4/15/2013| | Motivation in Economic Downturn for Surviving Employees 1. Executive summary The global economy experiences a downturn every five to ten years nowadays. During such financial crises, organizations might have to face the issue of lay-off in order to reduce cost and survive from the downturn. Apart from the negative effects on the unemployed, those survivors also go through a hard time.This report has firstly investigated possible negative effects on remaining employees. It is found that survivor syndrome, including five major types, occurs among survivors. Besides, four relevant solutions for managers are provided to minimize the negative influence on remaining employees and to support future development of the company. Lastly, current issues and concerns with respect to motivation maintenance are also discussed for feasib ility. 2. Introduction During the financial crisis, many organizations are downsizing and laying off their employees.A major factor that contributes to the failure of most organizations to achieve their objectives after downsizing is that they do not adequately and effectively address the â€Å"people factor†related to surviving employees throughout the process. In other words, most companies focus on comforting the leavers instead of concerning the negative effects on the survivors. Survivor Syndrome is a mental condition that occurs when people perceives themselves to have done wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not.In the field of management, it refers to the negative psychological and physical impact that originations’ layoffs bring to the remaining workers (Cascio, 1993). In this report, we identified 5 major negative effects on survived employees and provide possible solutions to the managers. 3. Major negative effects 3. 1 Psychological effect s 1. Job insecurity. Survivors wonder how long they will be able to keep their jobs, and they worry that they are not prepared to find work elsewhere, or that there are no comparable outside jobs.Since survivors are at the risk of losing jobs, they no longer regard themselves as an integral organization member, as which they are responsible for the future of organization. 2. Depression, anxiety and fatigue. The process is demoralizing and stressful for the managers who must lay off employees, as well as for employees who lose friends and colleagues. After the layoffs, more work and more pressure to perform, mentally and emotionally drained after survival. 3. Reduced risk-taking and creativity.Many survivors are afraid to face challenging jobs, accept a new task, or discuss a work-related problem for fear that they expose themselves to criticism or poor performance appraisals and become the target of future layoff. As a result, they are receptive to their status quo as being â€Å"s afe†instead of taking initiative. 4. Distrust and betrayal. Doubts may arise about the wisdom of the layoff choices when survivors believe that someone laid off is more capable than a remaining one.The feeling of unfairness can lead to worries about the transparency of organization operation thus causing distrust and possible job-hopping. 3. 2 Physical effect Apart from the psychological negative effects, layoffs may also influence the physical health of the survivors. Great pressure and heavy workload can have a bad impact on employees’ immune system. Under this situation, people are probably to have more physical symptoms, like stomachache, headache and cold. 4. Solutions for managers The following are four solutions provided to minimize negative effects on survivors. . 1 Open Communication Research has proposed that procedural justice, which is the perceived fairness of the process used to determine distribution of rewards, has a critical role to play in the managem ent of employee organizational commitment, trust in the corporations and turnover intentions. Hence in times of uncertainty and fear, increasing the perception of procedural justice is the key to rebuild trust and confidence among the employees and hence combat the Layoff Survivor Syndrome. This could be achieved through open communication. . 1. 1 Communicate about the downsizing Managers could pursue promoting perceived fairness and transparency through openly addressing the downsizing event, explaining explicitly and honestly the rationale as well as procedure for the layoffs and illustrating how the action of downsizing will lead to future organizational success. Open-book management, a strategy that is designed to help facilitate the communication process, is widely adopted by many recognizable corporations such as the HSBC Group and Cathay Pacific during downsizing.Through disclosure of the detailed business and financial information, the practice provides employees with insigh ts into the company’s situation and hence the rationale for layoffs. Moreover, the approach empowers employees to take ownership of their work as they are now fully aware of the implications of their actions on the company’s performance. As a result, they are motivated to take the initiative to help reduce cost. Furthermore, managers should be candid about the potential drawbacks of the policy.For instance, while downsizing inevitably leads to increased workload and prolonged working hours that create an overwhelming stress for the survivors, timely and quality communication with the employees about their new roles and responsibilities is hence imperative to help them better manage the pressure and maintain employee morale and productivity. 4. 1. 2 Communicate about the future Goal Setting Theory clearly demonstrates that working towards a goal is a major source of job motivation.Effective communication about the organization’s post-layoff goals and visions is t herefore important in maintaining and strengthening employee commitment. Regular update on the organization’s long term strategies will further reinforce trust and confidence among the employees, as not only does the action assure them that the leadership is actively solving the problems, but also conveys a clear message that they are being valued and respected by the company. While open ommunication should be encouraged at all levels, special attention should be devoted to the group of employees who are highly skilled and professional in their field due to their great inclination to leave for greener pastures in times of uncertainty, as well as those who are personally affiliated with the laid off as they tend to experience the greatest emotional toll from loss of their co-workers. 4. 2 Job reassignment Job reassignment means to redesign individual roles according to their talents and background.Job reassignment is essential in clarifying everyone’s duty in order to a ssure that the company can still function normally. And in another aspect, proper job reassignments may also to some extent reduce the negative effects on survivors such as job insecurity and anxiety. 4. 2. 1 Job design Here are some suggested actions for job redesign, including combining tasks, creating natural work units, establishing internal or external client relationships, expanding jobs vertically, and opening feedback channels.The actions mentioned above provide the survivors with more and better opportunities to develop their skills and to take the responsibility. Since the workload of individual survivor usually becomes heavier, what managers can do might be making the job more motivating for the survivors. They will help the survivors to experience the meaningfulness of their work, and also have higher working satisfaction. It will also be able to keep survivors from feeling passed over during the downsizing; they must be assured of their value, which will reduce their jo b insecurity. 4. 2. Training and supporting programs Besides job design, managers should do a lot more work in order to assure that job reassignment is being carried out successfully, in which training and supporting programs should be offered. Sometimes in the haste of layoffs, employees are shifted to new assignments without appropriate preparation such as job insecurity and lack of confidence in competency. It is found that â€Å"people are uneasy because they are not sure what they are supposed to be doing, who they should be accountable to, or if they are doing a good job†(Wexley & Silverman, 1993).In the wake of a downsizing, managers are suggested to sit down with each employee to help clarify his or her new role. Employees need to know what expectations have changed and how those changes may have an impact on their daily work. Research shows that most employees find great comfort in knowing exactly what they're working toward and exactly what's expected of them. Addit ionally, a large portion of anxiety is caused by lacking confidence in competency. Survivors worry that they will not be competent in their newly restructured job functions that the survivors do not ever possess.So immediately after layoffs, employees should be trained on how to handle new tasks or responsibilities. 4. 3 Pay-for-performance As the expectancy theory states motivation= expectation *instrumentality * valance, in relation to effort, performance and rewards. Therefore, we suggest the pay-for-performance scheme to work alongside this theory. The general idea is rewarding through the recognition of work done by overachievers, thus encouraging performance levels. There are, however, several takes to this approach according to Stephen O’Bryne. . 3. 1 Pay versus target pay is tied to performance Some companies believe that pay-for-performance is best reached by awarding compensation when the performance level is above a target level, thus a decrease if it is below targ et level. Companies such as Procter and Gamble are known to use this method. For example, in its 2010 proxy statement, P&G describes pay for performance this way: â€Å"We pay above target when goals are exceeded and below target when goals are not met. †4. 3. 2 Pay doesn’t go up when performance is poorThis method defines pay for performance in terms of performance and pay changes. In its 2008 U. S. proxy voting guidelines, ISS said it would vote against compensation committee members when â€Å"the company has a pay for performance disconnect,†defined as an increase in pay coupled with a decrease in performance. 4. 3. 3 Pay versus market pay is tied to performance Adopting target pay/prior year pay as a benchmark for assessing pay-for-performance has led some companies to focus on market pay instead.Companies such as Dow Chemical and CSX agree that superior performance should lead to above market pay and poor performance should lead to below market pay . 4. 3. 4 Pay percentile equals Performance percentile If a company provides target levels of pay at or above a particular percentile but the performance does not meet the percentile of peer companies, the firm should redesign its compensation strategy to align it with the organization’s compensation. This can help the situation as it recognizes the efforts of individuals and thus boosting the general morale of the employees.Limitation in this approach lies in deciding the target levels. For example, some companies may adopt a needlessly high target pay level which may result in the rewarding of poorly behaved executives with pay levels that, albeit lower than those for well performing executives, remain above the market. 4. 4 Individualized recognition and reassurance People have social esteem needs such as recognition and belongingness. Employee recognition and reassurance is a critical issue especially when a company is dealing with downsizing, where the survivors are both physically and psychologically affected.Here are 4 detailed ways to raise employee recognition. 4. 4. 1 Offer reassurance whenever possible Recognition is the essentially positive feedback that lets employees know they are valued and appreciated by their co-workers, supervisors and the organization. Employee recognition could be raised from daily works to formal events. Certainly, special tasks, important meetings and awards presentation are good chances for creating employees’ sense of belongings and self-actualization. Apart from those formal situations, bonuses and prizes, daily appreciation and reassurance are also important.By sending thank-you email or a handwritten note of praise, employees would feel that their hard work is being rewarded. Then, they will be more motivated and continue to work harder (Murdock, 2010). 4. 4. 2 Provide counseling for survivors for further development Counseling can take the format of buddy program in which manager acts as mentor and employee as mentee. Manager may meet with employees on an individual or small-group basis to devise a personal plan for goal achievement. By doing this, the survivors will be aware of the opportunities they still have remaining in the company.Besides, a feedback system can also be established where the employees give feedback about their progress in achieving individualized goals and managers help to evaluate and make improvement on their plan at the same time (Boyd, 2013). The program serves as a channel for mutual communication in the company. Therefore, remaining employees can release the distress brought about by downsizing. 4. 4. 3 Continue to communicate, especially one-to-one Individualized communication would be a modified way to boost morale based on different personality type of employees.By communicating with employees individually, managers are able to understand their feelings and problems and offer helps to improve the situations (jobsDB HK, 2007). Also, they could rea lize employees’ personalities and take them into account when designing plans for reducing negative effects from lay-off. For instance, for an employee with need for affiliation according to the Three-Needs Theory, he/she probably prefers a social event to renew his/her personal network. As a result, surviving employees could be easily motivated. 5. ConclusionThis report discusses 5 negative effects on employees who have survived organization’s layoff and the corresponding solutions. Layoffs due to the financial crisis can lead to physical problems and a series of negative psychological effects including job insecurity, depression, anxiety and fatigue, reduced risk-taking and creativity, distrust and betrayal. Facing such a situation, open communication, job reassignment, pay for performance, and individualized recognition & reassurance are the four corresponding solutions suggested. However, the real situation is much more complicated, where more issues should be take n into consideration.One concern is the diversity of workforce. Different employees have different values, backgrounds, making it challenging for managers to identify and satisfy their needs. Another concern is the culture difference. Most current motivation theories are based on the situation in the United States and managers cannot assume that motivational programs well fit in their own case. Therefore, it is suggested that managers should incorporate local cultural factors and personal characteristics when dealing with the downsizing negative effects. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Cascio, W. F. (1993).Downsizing: what do we know? What have we learned. Academy of Management Executive, 7(1), 95-104. [ 2 ]. Wexley, K. N. , & Silverman, S. B. (1993). Working Scared: Achieving Success in Trying Times Jossey-Bass. [ 3 ]. Murdock, K. (2010). Boosting Morale of Employees Important During Tou gh Times: How You Can Do It in Three Easy Steps. The Washington Post. [ 4 ]. Boyd, J. (2013). How to Motivate Employee Performance. eHow. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/how_5996416_motivate-employee-performance. html [ 5 ]. JobsDB HK. (2007). Boost Staff Morale. Retrieved from http://hk. jobsdb. com/HK/EN/Resources/EmployerArticle/morale? ID=500
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Couplings Elements Essay
Couplings are mechanical elements that ‘couples’ two drive elements which enables motion to be transferred from one element to another. The drive elements are normally shafts. We tend to see lot of applications of the couplings mainly in the automobiles, for example the drive shaft which connects the engine and the rear axle in a bus or any automobile is connected by means of a universal joint. In order to transmit torque between two shafts that either tend to lie in the same line or slightly misaligned, a coupling is used. Based on the area of applications there are various types of coupling available. But they are generally categorised in the following varieties 1. Rigid Couplings 2. Flexible or Compensating Couplings 3. Clutches to are a type of Coupling – We will the dealing on them separately. RIGID COUPLINGS Rigid Couplings are mainly used in areas where the two shafts are coaxial to each other. There are many types of couplings that fall under the rigid couplings category. They are  · Rigid Sleeve or Muff Couplings- This is the basic type of coupling. This consists of a pipe whose bore is finished to the required tolerance based on the shaft size. Based on the usage of the coupling a keyway in made in the bore in order to transmit the torque by means of the key. Two threaded holes are provided in order to lock the coupling in position. The photo shows a type of the rigid sleeve or muff coupling.  · Flanged Coupling – The coupling basically consists of two flanged end pieces as shown in the figure. A spigot and recess is provided in the flanges to provide location between them. The flanges are connected firmly by means of fitted bolts which are tightened accordingly to the torque to be transmitted. FLEXIBLE OR COMPENSATING COUPLINGS Flexible couplings are normally used in areas where the coaxiallity between the connecting shafts is not always assured and in areas where there is a possibility of occurrence of shocks in the transmission is applicable. They are also called as Elastic Couplings. By construction these couplings tend to have a elastic member in between the two connecting entities. The different types of flexible couplings are 1. Flanged Pin Bush Couplings 2. Bibbly Coupling 3. Gear Tooth Coupling 4. Tyre couplings 5. Elastomeric Couplings – This consists of jaw type and S-flex couplings. 6. Oldhams Coupling 7. Universal Coupling or Hooke’s Coupling 8. Bellows Coupling Each of the above couplings are quite unique in their construction and we can deal in detail on their constructional and working aspects in separate articles. BIBBLY COUPLING: This article deals with Bibby Resilient type couplings. The article describes constructional aspects of the coupling and the selection procedures for the coupling. * Named after its Inventor Dr. James Bibby in 1917, this coupling is still one of the most sought after flexible couplings for heavy shock applications. Let us now look at the constructional features of the coupling. 1. The Coupling consists of two flanges or hubs specifically mounted on the drive and the driven shafts respectively. These hubs contain axial grooves cut on their circumference. 2. The two couplings are joined or held together by means of a specially designed grid spring. 3. The total assembly is enclosed in a casing or shell filled with grease for low speed applications or, in high speed application with high viscosity oil. Now let’s look at the working aspect of the coupling and how it tends to reduce vibration and prevents the build up of resonance in the system. a.) The specially designed spring is wound up through the grooves forming a series of resilient bridges throughout the periphery of the coupling. b.) The grooves are tapered up at the edges (see photo) in order to provide extra flexible spans to the spring at normal loads and tends to support the spring at the sides whenever overloading occurs. c.) The stiffness of the spring depends on its unsupported length of each of its flexible span. The unsupported length tends to vary with the loads producing a varying stiffness for the coupling based on the loading. d.) This action tends to produce a detuning action altering the torsional vibration frequency of the system that prevents the build-up of resonance. Some applications of Bibby Couplings are 1. Cement Mills – in grinding and crushing machinery. 2. Cranes 3. Conveyors 4. Turbines 5. Marine Auxiliaries 6. Paper Mills Bibby couplings can be used for applications with powers varying from as low as 1 h.p to about 100,000 h.p. per 100 rpm of the coupling. Correspondingly the couplings are available in varying sizes ranging from 100mm diameter to 4000mm diameter. Bibby couplings are capable of taking axial and radial misalignments to a very small extent only. It is necessary for the user to ensure that both axial and radial misalignments are kept to the minimum possible. Selection procedure for Bibby Couplings: The selection of the Bibby coupling is mainly based on the torque being transmitted by the coupling. Each coupling has a characteristic value for the torque transmitted by it to the revolutions per minute of the coupling. The rating of the coupling is given by Rating = Maximum power to be transmitted in h.p/ r.p.m of coupling In order to account for contingencies like shocks, sudden stops, stalling, etc. a factor of safety is to be considered during selection of the coupling. Rating of coupling to be Selected = Max. power of coupling* Factor/ r.p.m. of coupling The chart containing the factors to be considered is given below based on the application and driving machinery. See the selection chart below for the selection of corresponding coupling based on the power. Note: This chart is an indicative for the selection of the Bibby coupling. Kindly refer to an actual manufacturer’s catalog for selection as ratings may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. GEAR COUPLING: This article deals with Gear Couplings. The article describes constructional aspects and selection procedures for flexible gear couplings. * Couplings are used as connecting elements between two shafts. The complexity in the type of connectivity, the power to be transmitted and the area of application tend to play a vital role in the selection of the type of the coupling. Gear Couplings belong to the category of flexible couplings that are capable of transmitting very high torques. Constructionally the gear coupling utilizes the advantages of gear engineering; practically the coupling is a complete gear assembly. Let us now look into the constructional aspects of the coupling. 1. The gear couplings consists of a forged sleeve with internal teeth cut on its inside. The forged sleeves are normally two halves possessing internal gears in both of them. In certain cases the forged sleeve tends to remain a single piece. 2. Two hubs with external teeth containing the same number of teeth as in the internal gear is present with each one being mounted on the driven and driver shaft respectively. The tooth profile of the external teeth is normally crowned in order to take up more loads. 3. The entire assembly in normally enclosed and is provided with gaskets at the joints and O-rings at vantage points in order to prevent the leakage of the lubricant filled inside the coupling, 4. Lubrication plugs are provided at vantage points in order to lubricate the couplings during predetermined intervals of time. Tooth forms in the Coupling: Three types of external teeth are used in gear couplings. The only difference is the manufacturing methodology of the same. a.) Straight Teeth: The external teeth in the hub are straight. During the condition of misalignment in the coupling the contact pattern between the internal gear and the external gear tends to be line type of contact as shown in the figure. b.) Crowning with constant radius: The external teeth are barrel shaped with a constant radius in order to increase the area of contact and move the area of contact to a near middle portion of the teeth. c.) Crowning with variable radius: The external teeth are barrel shaped with a variable radius instead of constant radius. This increases the area of the contact significantly compared to that of the constant radius crowning. The maximum degree of misalignment permissible in gear couplings is from 0.5 Degrees to 1.5 Degrees. This varies with the size of the coupling being used. Selection procedure for gear coupling: The gear couplings are selected based on the torque ratings. 1. 1. The torque transmitted by the coupling is to be determined. 2. 2. Based on the application the appropriate service factor needs to be determined. A reference chart on the service factors is shown below. 3. 3. The equivalent torque is to be determined by multiplying the service factor with the torque transmitted. 4. 4. Select the coupling based on the equivalent torque value calculated. A reference selection chart is given below for example. JAW TYPE ELASTOMERIC COUPLING: This article deals with Jaw type Elastomeric coupling. The article describes the constructional aspects of the coupling and selection procedures. * Couplings are indispensable mechanical power transmission elements used for connecting shafts. Flexible couplings in particular are used in areas where misalignment needs to be accommodated (the flexibility is highly restricted based on the type of Elastomeric material used) and also to take up shock loads at the driven end, thus protecting the driving element like a motor or such. Jaw Type Couplings tend to have a flexible member or Elastomeric member between the two metal components. The flexible member is also called the â€Å"Spider.†The Spider material can be made from different types of rubber or plastic possessing varying degrees of hardness in order to suit the load carrying capacity of the system torsional characteristics. The constructional features of the Jaw type coupling are shown below. The dimensional drawing as wel l as the nomenclature of the coupling is also enclosed. Here as some of the key aspects on the constructional features of the Jaw type coupling. These points are to be considered for the proper selection of a coupling. – The metal hub is constructed of sintered iron, cast iron, or aluminium or stainless steel. The type of metal hub is mainly based on the area of operation of the coupling and its inertia aspects. – The spider is normally made up of a nonmetallic element like rubber, urethane, hytrel because of their Elastomeric properties and in very rare cases bronze is used. BEAM COUPLING: A beam coupling A beam coupling, also known as helical coupling, is a flexible coupling for transmitting torque between two shafts while allowing for angular misalignment, parallel offset and even axial motion, of one shaft relative to the other. This design utilizes a single piece of material and becomes flexible by removal of material along a spiral path resulting in a curved flexible beam of helical shape. Since it is made from a single piece of material, the Beam Style coupling does not exhibit the backlash found in some multi-piece couplings. Another advantage of being an all machined coupling is the possibility to incorporate features into the final product while still keep the single piece integrity. Changes to the lead of the helical beam provide changes to misalignment capabilities as well as other performance characteristics such as torque capacity and torsional stiffness. It is even possible to have multiple starts within the same helix. The material used to manufacture the beam coupling also affects its performance and suitability for specific applications such as food, medical and aerospace. Materials are typically aluminum alloy and stainless steel, but they can also be made in acetal, maraging steel and titanium. The most common applications are attaching encoders to shafts and motion control for robotics. Oldham Animated Oldham coupler An Oldham coupling has three discs, one coupled to the input, one coupled to the output, and a middle disc that is joined to the first two by tongue and groove. The tongue and groove on one side is perpendicular to the tongue and groove on the other. The middle disc rotates around its center at the same speed as the input and output shafts. Its center traces a circular orbit, twice per rotation, around the midpoint between input and output shafts. Often springs are used to reduce backlash of the mechanism. An advantage to this type of coupling, as compared to two universal joints, is its compact size. The coupler is named for John Oldham who invented it in Ireland, in 1821, to solve a paddle placement problem in a paddle steamer design. * * it is recommended to use manufacturer’s alignment target values to set up the machine train to a defined non-zero alignment, due to the fact that later when the machine is at operation temperature the alignment condition is perfect Coupling maintenance and failure Coupling maintenance is generally a simple matter, requiring a regularly scheduled inspection of each coupling. It consists of: * Performing visual inspections, checking for signs of wear or fatigue, and cleaning couplings regularly. * Checking and changing lubricant regularly if the coupling is lubricated. This maintenance is required annually for most couplings and more frequently for couplings in adverse environments or in demanding operating conditions. * Documenting the maintenance performed on each coupling, along with the date.[2] Even with proper maintenance, however, couplings can fail. Underlying reasons for failure, other than maintenance, include: * Improper installation * Poor coupling selection * Operation beyond design capabilities.[2] The only way to improve coupling life is to understand what caused the failure and to correct it prior to installing a new coupling. Some external signs that indicate potential coupling failure include: * Abnormal noise, such as screeching, squealing or chattering * Excessive vibration or wobble * Failed seals indicated by lubricant leakage or contamination.[2] Checking the coupling balance Couplings are normally balanced at the factory prior to being shipped, but they occasionally go out of balance in operation. Balancing can be difficult and expensive, and is normally done only when operating tolerances are such that the effort and the expense are justified. The amount of coupling unbalance that can be tolerated by any system is dictated by the characteristics of the specific connected machines and can be determined by detailed analysis or experience.
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